Rosie O'Donnell stated on the View yesterday that she believes everyone is "a tiny bit gay" and has used her gaydar to tell Oprah and Gayle, in not so many wordsd, that it's time to come out. Rosie! Do you not know what happens to people when they cross Ms. Sofia?!? If you value your job at The View, it would be in your best interest to avoid the use of Oprah, Gayle and the words gay or lesbian in the same sentence. While Mrs. Harpo's people have yet to respond, I am certain that Oprah is somewhere seething just waiting to say, "I said, Hell Naw..."
Get the story here.
I thought when you become a doctor, you take an oath... to help people regardless of race, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Ms. Benitez is about to stick it to those jerks good...
Get the story at PlanetOut.

David Mays and Ray "Benzino" Scott, founders of the Source Magazine, are set to release their newest venture, Hip Hop Weekly, October 16. Hip Hop Weekly will cover film, TV, music, fashion, sports, and celebrity news. So, basically, it'll be the Source again, only in a weekly format. Get the rest of the story at All Hip Hop.

Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, has called President George W. Bush "the devil" at an assembly of the United Nations. He accused Washington of world domination and exploitation of "peoples of the world." It's about time someone manned up and said what they really think of Bush. Get the rest of the story here.

Christina Vidal, former child star of Freaky Friday, Taina, and Life With Mikey fame, is set to appear as a regular on the CW network television show Girlfriends. Vidal will play a tough celebrity fitness trainer. You may remember she was the first Puerto Rican/ American child actress to have a leading role in an American motion picture (Life with Mikey). She is also the younger sister of actress Lisa Vidal. The Girlfriends season premiere airs on the CW network on Sunday, Oct. 1.
1 comment:
Chavez... This man talks as if he lives in a democracy...Instead he heralds from a federal republic with only three other states claiming such- the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Repulic of Nigeria, and the Federal Republic of Ethiopia. We should all be ashamed that we cannot find it in us as a nation to drown out the neocons in a voice of dissent... Shame on us. Chavez, say it loud!
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