"Residents of eastern North Carolina wade through the flood waters to check their mailboxes. I don't know about anybody else, but the last thing I would be doing is checking my mail with water up to my knees. It's probably just bills anyway. When they start calling, talking about "we sent your invoice.", I'd be the first one like, "B&^*%, didn't you see we just had ERNESTO? You didn't hear about Katrina. I ain't got no boat to row to my mailbox..." Bad joke...
Tropical Storm Ernesto slammed into NC yesterday bringing with it torrential rain and flooding on the southern east coast. Fortunately enough, however, it stayed just below the hurricane level, causing only minor flooding and few evacuations. Although hurricane and tornado watches were in effect and a state of emergency was sounded, most residents of N.C. managed to weather the storm without evacuating their homes. Others however, we not as lucky, as they were awakened from their sleep by police and national guard members telling them to get out while their cars were still in driving order. I personally believe, "Better to be safe than sorry." At least they took a preemptive and precautionary step to avoid a disaster like Hurricane Katrina. Take note Bushy, you should evacuate, search, and rescue BEFORE the problem grows to such astronomical proportions that still one year later, the ruin, rubble, and remnants of the storm's destruction continue to prompt massive debate and turmoil. To all of you in DC and VA or with family members there, Ernesto will probably be hitting you today. Be safe. Take all necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Get the rest of the story here.
Cindy Sheehan and Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez
There has been a rumor floating around the net that Chavez has vowed to take down the U.S. government. Many people are up in arms, calling for a boycott of Citgo oil, which is wholly owned by the Venezuelan government. Wake up people! If we boycott Citgo, gas prices jump even higher. And, I for one can not afford to pay $8 a gallon. Let's stop looking elsewhere for problems. The real issue unfortunately is our own President and where his loyalties lie. I know Bush has some oil wells or something floating around. Share the wealth man... But, there is little chance that teeny, tiny Venezuela is going to strike much of a blow in tearing down the United States. Although, they may fudge with the gas prices... Boo stinky foot doctor. (Inside joke)
In other news...
A Texas pastor has been indicted on a charge of sexual assault for allegedly raping a congregant of his church after telling her she was possessed by a lesbian demon one year ago. Leonard Ray Owens, 63, is free on $25,000 bail. Police began investigating the pastor last year after a 22 year old woman accused him of raping her twice in his home...
I don't know about anybody else, but... "possessed by a lesbian demon"? Are you serious? And, she believed that. I am not making light of a woman being raped. However, if some perverted old man said I was possessed by a lesbian demon, my first question would be, "And, how the hell would you know if she's a lesbian or not? Or, better yet, since when do demons have genders?" I'm just saying... Only in BushASS... I mean Texas.Get the rest of the story here.
"Former NBA star -- and possible Democratic candidate for governor of Alabama -- Charles Barkley was his usual outspoken self during a recent TV interview in which he said, among other things, that he advocates same-sex marriage, believes Republicans have screwed up the country, and is 'struggling with my idea of what religion is.'" Planet Out
A San Antonio police officer was convicted Wednesday of violating the civil rights of a transsexual woman who stated the officer had beaten and raped her during a traffic stop. The felony sentence carries up to life in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. The sentencing date is set for Dec. 1... Here we go again with the Texans... Let's just say that for me personally, the only way I would ever vote for someone from Texas is if Malcolm X or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were resurrected and told me that they themselves were actually from Texas and were running for President...
Get the rest of the story at Planet Out.

Retired Navy Commander Gregory Black has launched the first internet site for African American veterans, active duty members, and Department of Defense civilians.
And, it's about time. We truly have to do EVERYTHING for ourselves people, because no one is going to do it for us. Check it out at Black News.
Walmart has partnered with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Find out more here.
Krush Designs By Tiffany
Tiffany of Krush Designs is a fashion designer on the come up from Paterson, NJ. She's 23 years old and has a unique fashion sense not yet seen in main street hip hop. She utilizes original and fresh color combinations while always coalescing street style with high fashion. Her aesthetic approach breathes not only her caribbean heritage, but her "on the grind" mentality. She customizes jeans, tee-shirts, sneakers, and a plethra of other things you could name. Look out for her and if want to contact her... tiffanyr07504@yahoo.com

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Lovely Artwork!
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