Ok... So, yesterday I went to the final home game of the Chicago Sky. For all who do not know, that is the newest WNBA expansion team. Chicago lost to Connecticut with a score of 85-59. And, as their inaugural season comes to a close, their record stands at 4-27, with 3 away games left to go. So, needless to say, they will not be making a playoff run. However, because I LOVE basketball and I love the Sky, I have decided to post a few pics and firsts to Congratulate my new home team on their season.
First game, first win...... 5/20/06 vs. Charlotte, 83-82
First Basket....................Stacey Dales
First All Star..................Candice Dupree
And, my pick for best player...
Candice Dupree

All star weekend...

My pick for Rookie of the Year!

Seimone Augustus
And, of course, player of the year is none other than...

Diana Taurasi
Ok... With my love of the GAME out of the way...
In other "sports" news...

Ex OSU football star Maurice Clarett has been arrested yet again after a highway chase ended with police using Mace on the former running back and finding 4 loaded guns in the back of his SUV... You may remember back in January when Mr. Clarett was arrested for allegedly robbing two people of a cell phone at gunpoint. He is currently awaiting trial on those charges.
All I have to say is that this ish is getting old, QUICK!
Get the rest of the story... here

Alicia Keys and Common are set to star in a new movie called "Smokin Aces" which will be released sometime next year. From watching the trailer, it seems to be action-packed, if you like that sort of thing. Check out the trailer here.
In other news...
"Sen. Joe Lieberman lost Connecticut's Democratic primary to anti-Iraq war upstart Ned Lamont in a squeaker last night - but vowed to stay in the race until November as an independent candidate."~ NY Post (Read more here)
Ha ha... It's about time.
An article in today's NY Times details how the information we unintentionally provide when utilizing search engines such as Google or AOL, is saved for marketing purposes. Yet, everytime we type in a search, it becomes easier and easier to determine the identity of the user, even though these companies utilize a "random" numbering system to keep the user anonymous. I don't know about you guys, but that's kinda freaky. The story goes on to detail how one woman's identity and location was discovered just by the searches she typed in... (Read the article here)
A 14-year old boy was critically shot in the Cabrini-Green projects area of Chicago for allegedly pulling a BB gun resembling a 9mm hand gun on police. Allegedly the boy had just robbed someone who reported to a nearby police officer. When the boy was confronted, that is when it is alleged that the boy pulled the BB gun on the officer. The officer shot 4 times. This is exactly what is wrong with our society today. Police officers are trained to shoot to kill and now a boy is fighting for his life. While I don't condone what the boy allegedly did, police should try to take a more calculated approach when dealing with children. I won't say that the boy's skin color had anything to do with it. I will say, however, that had this been certain other areas of Chicago, things may have been handled a little differently. And, from what I've read, the people of the Cabrini-Green projects aren't taking this one sitting down... Get the rest of the story here.
And finally, on a more positive note...
Yesterday, WorldPride held its first gay multi-faith conference...
"Participants of all religions converged in Jerusalem for the conference titled Reclaiming Our Faith and Our Heritage to discuss issues of homophobia and bigotry.Representatives of different faiths explored the ways in which religious texts and holy scripts call for the respect of all human beings and their right to live in dignity. The convocation aimed to send the message that LGBT rights are anchored within the religious teachings of the three religions formed in Jerusalem..." ~ Pink News
Finally, a step in the right direction. Can't we all just get along?
Get the rest of the story here.
The Video of the day is:
India Arie- "I am NOT my Hair"
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