How could we spotlight President Obama, without spotlight Mrs. Michelle Obama? We couldn't! There has NEVER been a first lady of such poise, dignity, and intelligence in the White House. Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, our first lady graduated from Whitney Young High School as its salutatorian, was a member of the National Honor Society, graduated Cum Laude from Princeton University with a degree in Sociology and received her law degree from Harvard Law School. Mrs. Obama is a mother first, but is a leader in the truest sense of the word. Without her support and presence, it is doubtful that President Obama would be Mr. President. No other woman could have gotten him to where he is today.

Michelle Obama's tauted many victories over her career, as an attorney, a professor, and campaigner for her husband. However, her most recent victory over Ty Inc., the maker of Beanie Babies, hows the power a woman of color can have, and now wields. Ty Inc. began distributing dolls with the names of "Marvelous Malia" and "Sweet Sasha", which seemed to be modeled after Mrs. Obama's own two daughters. Although the company denied there was any correlation, the company has decided to rename the dolls after our first lady stated that it was "inappropriate" to have sold such dolls without the permission of the family.
I am looking forward to all of the positivity and insight Mrs. Obama brings with her to the White House.